
Albanian Demographic and Health Survey (ADHS) 2017-18 completed and report published with SDC support

The Albanian Demographic and Health Survey (ADHS) is a household nationally-representative survey that included interviews in 15,823 families from all 12 Qarks (regions) of Albania. The fieldwork for data collection was carried out between September 2017 and February 2018. The survey provides an updated evidence on the living conditions of respondents, demographic characteristics of the […]

HAP supports workshops of the Network of Chronic Patients

A second workshop with patients and local actors to discuss the challenges and gaps in receiving primary health care services and the implementation of patient rights at the local level for patients with chronic diseases was held in Dibra on 22nd of November 2018. The first workshop with the same objectives took place in 31 […]

PerSHENDETje campaign: a hands-on health promotion approach

During November 2018, the PerSHENDETje campaign stopped in 13 locations in Diber qark thus increasing the locations number to 27 since its initial phase in June this year. Non-communicable chronic diseases (cardiovascular, diabetes, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases) are the biggest killer in Albania and the main cause of disabilities. On this regard, HAP piloted this […]

HAP supported the hospital management course that trained 20 hospital managers

In response to the request of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection regarding the strengthening of management capacities of hospital managers, the HAP project supported the training course “Introduction to Hospital Management” that was finalized on 17th of November 2018. The first ‘Introduction to Hospital Management’ training course took place in June/July 2018 with […]

6th Steering Committee meeting of HAP

HAP invited its stakeholders and partners for the 6th steering committee meeting on 19th of October in the Rogner Hotel in Tirana. The members of the Steering Committee reviewed the implementation of the work program for the first semester of 2018, the recommendations for the mid-term and the work plan for the remaining part of this year. […]

Hapen aplikimet për Masterin Profesional në Menaxhim Shëndetësor

Aplikimet do të vijojnë deri në 12 tetor 2018 pranë Sekretariatit Mësimor të Fakultetit të Mjekësisë. Masteri Profesional në Menaxhim Shëndetësor hapi për herë të parë dyert tetorin e kaluar në sajë të mbështetjes së Agjencisë Zvicerane për Zhvillim dhe Bashkëpunim përmes Projektit Shëndet për të Gjithë (Health for All Project-HAP) dhe bashkëpunimit mes Fakultetit […]

Quaterly newsletter HAPpening

16th issue of HAPpening newsletter 15th issue of HAPpening newsletter 14th issue of HAPpening newsletter 13th issue of HAPpening newsletter 12th issue of HAPpening newsletter 11th issue of HAPpening newsletter 10th issue of HAPpening newsletter 9th issue of HAPpening newsletter 8th issue of HAPpening newsletter 7th issue of HAPpening newsletter HAPpening newsletter- 6th issue HAPpening [...]

Swiss expert hosts lecture on Practice-Oriented Project (POP)

Prof. Axel Hoffmann, an international expert on health management from the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute in Basel, Switzerland visited Tirana from 11th to 13th of September. During this time, he gave a three-day lecture on Practice-Oriented Project (POP) to the students of the master’s in health management. The description of the POP module […]

Kursi “Hyrje në mënaxhimin Spitalor”

“Hyrje në mënaxhimin Spitalor” është kursi prej 10 modulesh i organizuar nga Minsitria e Shëndetësisë dhe Mbrojtjes Sociale me mbështetjen fiananciare dhe teknike të Agjencisë Zvicerane për Zhvillim dhe Kooperim (SDC) përmes Projektit “Shëndet për të gjithë” (HAP). Objektivi i këtij programi është aftësimi i drejtorëve të spitaleve rajonalë, atyre bashkiakë dhe bashkëpunëtorëve të tyre, […]