
Deadline postponed

The deadline of notification on the application for micro-funds on operational research has been postponed to April 15, 2020 due to COVID-19 situation in Albania.

8th Steering Committee meeting

HAP’s Steering Committee gathered on February 19, 2020 to discuss the main activities of the first half year of the second phase and approved the progress report accordingly. The meeting was co-chaired by General Director for Policies and Development of Health and Social Protection Merita Xhafaj and Head of Governance and Health Domain at Embassy […]

Annual planning workshop 2020-2021

On February 18, 2020 HAP hosted the Annual Planning Workshop to discuss with its partners and PHC stakeholders, on the key activities and priorities of the second year (April 2020 to March 2021) under each output. While implementing an inclusive and participatory approach, HAP invited in the workshop representatives from the Ministry of Health and […]

Consultation workshop on renovation and maintenance of PHC Infrastructure

During the first phase of Health for All Project, (finalized on March 31, 2019), the Swiss Embassy in collaboration with the Albanian Ministry of Health and Social Protection, invested 3.3 Million Swiss francs for the renovation of 16 buildings that accommodate 17 PHC centers and one polyclinic of specialties in Fier, Diber and Tirana region. […]

PUBLIC INVITATION TO TENDER: Consultant Engineering Company for the Design, Planning and Supervision of Civil Works for Construction of Three Primary Health Centres and Two Health Posts

Health for All is a Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation project implemented by the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Basel, in collaboration with the HAP Center in Albania. Its overall goal is that the Albanian population benefits from better health due to improved Primary Health Care  services. As part of the efforts to […]

Re-call for: Consultancy on analysis of the context in view of the development and implementation of new job profiles and roles for family nurses in Albania

The Health for All Project (HAP) in Albania is funded by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and is being implemented by the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (SwissTPH), through the HAP Center. Its overall goal is that the Albanian population benefits from better health due to improved Primary Health Care (PHC) services. […]