Author: Communications

Issue no. 9: PHC in Albania in COVID-19 context

Returning to normality in green areas As of Monday, both districts where HAP operates (Fier and Dibra) are green areas, which means ease of movement measures. Consequently, residents are receiving normally the services at health centers while adhering to the prevention measures of COVID-19 infection. Pursuant to the instructions of the health authorities, the health [...]

Eighth issue: PHC in Albania in COVID-19 context

During this week there are 2 new cases of COVID-19 infection identified in the Fier region, whereas there are still no cases in the Dibra region. The service in the primary health care centers in both regions is gradually returning to normality, where there is an increase in the number of visits to health centers. [...]

Seventh issue: PHC in Albania in COVID-19 context

In this seventh weekly newsletter we would like to share the experience of a person infected with COVID-19 who is also a medical staff member. From a diary of a patient with COVID-19 Day 1- Dear diary, yesterday me and my  colleagues made the test, it is a routine procedure as we are medical staff. [...]

Sixth issue: PHC in Albania in COVID-19 context

News HAP assesses the needs for information and continuing education of primary care professionals by taking their most frequently asked questions and topics on which more information is needed. Based on this rapid needs assessment, HAP continuously processes COVID-19-related training materials. The main goal is to train primary care professionals in preventing the spread and [...]

Fifth issue: PHC in ALbania in COVID-19 context

News The Health for All project is trying to provide personal protective equipment for primary health care teams and Local Health Care Units. To this purpose, the call for public tender has been published, to be found HERE New training materials related to the wearing and removal of personal protective equipment (focusing on Local Health [...]